Sunday, 25 September 2011

Birthday Wishes

Well, again it's coming to that time of year where I need to start wrapping various presents.

It is my youngest daughters birthday in the next couple of days - she will be 4!

You'd think it'd be easy choosing what to buy your child for their birthday, especially when they enrol on a mission of giving you an endless list of toys they see on the TV or in catalogues! But no, it's not that easy and it's not going to get any easier to choose over the years either.

Thing is if money was no object, then she could have the more expensive Barbie's or Sylvanian family playsets (at a push!). But there has to be a limit when you ain't got cash to burn, and downgrading to the next best thing can be a very difficult task in itself, don't you think?

And so after considering the options I have (which is only the one, when it boils down to it), I have had to buy something that she likes that costs an arm and a leg (in my opinion, as it doesn't deserve to be given a price tag like that!), just to see my little girl happy on her birthday for receiving something she really wanted than getting something she would rather trample all over (albeit in a fit of rage, for getting a rubbish replacement).

And after all this, I'll be onto my biggest adventure yet. Yep, you named it. Christmas!
Well the girls have written their lists - to father Christmas - so I might leave this one up to him, and hope for the best!

What do they think I am - made of money?.....


  1. oh dear don't mention the C word... not yet anyway! What is it you have got Lexi? I bet she'll have the best birthday :) xx

  2. oh how bad of me... not Lexi FAYE!! sorry lol x
